About Copyright

  • What we offer on this site is had by the limited company Yanai trade.
    All the company name, the logo, the related products, the service names, the design marks, and messages become objects.
  • You cannot use, copy, and distribute the material on the homepage of the Yanai trade by the profit-pursuing purpose.
    The authority to use what copyright, the trademark, the patent, and the intellectual property right of the material etc. is not given to you when there is no prior consent by the Yanai trade.
  • In general, the user of this system assumes all the responsibilities and the dangers of the server and the Internet to use it by the user. The Yanai trade might improve service and the product or change. They are done without a previous notice.
  • The Yanai trade doesn't owe a little legal accountability to accuracy, completeness or the utility of what information.
    There are no obligations of payment in the Yanai trade and any compensation for damages.